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Electronic Messages

by cherylca last modified Feb 23, 2021 04:11 PM
Can I send electronic messages?

Yes, you can correspond with an inmate through electronic messaging by going to and establishing an account and identifying the inmate(s) with whom you wish to correspond.

An inmate can correspond with you in either one of two ways: by replying to an electronic message you have sent to him/her; or by having the system send you a form letter requesting permission for him/her to be able to correspond.

If you approve the request he/she can then write messages to you. If you deny the request or simply do not respond, he/she cannot write to you. If you have questions about how to use the electronic mail, please call 1-800-574-5729.

Does this mean that inmates have access to the Internet?
No. The kiosk and tables used by the inmates to read their messages do not give access to the Internet. The entire process is electronic unless the inmate elects to pay to have the message printed for an extra cost.

Do all inmates have access to electronic messaging?
Electronic messaging may not be available to all inmates depending upon their security status and other factors related to their incarceration. Inmates in administrative segregation or disciplinary segregation status do not have access.

The restrictions and limitations which may apply to traditional paper mail apply to electronic messaging based on an individual inmate’s incentive level, custody classification or other security issues.

All electronic messages will be screened by the computer software for words and phrases that may represent a risk to the facility security or the public safety. All attached photos will be viewed by staff before they can be accessed by the inmate. All Kansas Administrative Regulations regarding inmate correspondence will apply. For more information, please see K.A.R. 44-12-601 (Mail).

What if I no longer want an inmate to e-mail me?
You may request to be removed from the inmate’s approved correspondence list at any time by contacting the facility or e-mailing your request to

Does it cost the inmate money to receive or print out the message?
The cost is paid by the person who is sending the e-mail, whether it is the inmate or the writer on the outside. Each electronic message costs one stamp. Each attachment costs one stamp. It does not cost the inmate to view an electronic message. If the inmate wants a copy of the message printed, the inmate would incur cost of paper and printing supplies.

Can I send photographs as attachments?
Yes. Inbound messages can contain up to five attachments of one megabyte each. Photographs sent as attachments do not count toward an inmate’s limit of 50 allowable photographs unless the inmate has them printed. There is no limit on the number of emails that can be sent.


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