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Speakers Bureau

by cherylca — last modified Jun 12, 2019 11:09 AM

A Speakers Bureau is being established to enhance public education regarding what we do in Kansas Corrections. As you are probably aware, many people have beliefs or ideas about what happens in corrections, both in the field and in facilities. In fact, very few outside of those of us employed within the correctional field and our families, really understand how risk reduction and containment strategies are chosen and used and for whom. You have been selected or suggested as a person who can speak to your area of work within the Department and how it is a part of the strategy to make a positive difference in making Kansas a safer place to live and work.

The goals of this effort are broad based and important. We need to reach out at all levels of our communities and educational institutions to educate and to recruit. Our efforts should help more taxpayers better understand what we do and why we do it, as well as how our efforts on their behalf impact them every day, every hour. The plan is to provide a list of speakers, skilled in their work and selected by their leaders and peers, to educational institutions from high schools to colleges and universities. At some point, we may also provide such contact information to community organizations, though many of you and your leaders already are a part of or have spoken to community organizations. Thank you if you are one of those persons who has already done so!

This is an important task: If you feel you are uncomfortable or unable to speak to a group contacting you, please ask your supervisor to get someone else equally skilled and willing to share similar information regarding what was originally requested. Our hope is that we are open to questions and seeking answers from the appropriate source (check with the Central Office Communications Office if you are unsure). The Department of Corrections publishes an annual report, and we do reports on population daily that are available to you as well.

The key to this task is your rapport with the group you speak to about why and how you and your peers work hard to reduce risk to Kansans in many ways, all designed using evidence-based research and clearly targeting the offender based on their assessed risks and needs to provide the correct dosage and response. When we get a broad array of speakers and subjects needing to be covered, we will share the information with you and with the educational institutions. If you feel other agencies or organizations need to be included, or additional subjects need to be added, please let the Central Office Communications Office know. Our hope is this may educate and entice more persons to working or volunteering to join us in the good work being done. Thanks so much for being willing to provide time and effort to carry on the mission of the Kansas Department of Corrections.

For more information, please call or (785) 296-3310


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