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Minor's First Name:

Type in first name of minor.

Registration of Minor Child for Correspondence with an Inmate

* Complete one form for each minor*

K.A.R. 44-12-601
(11)(A) No inmate shall correspond with a minor, either directly or through any third party, unless one of the following conditions is met: (i) A parent or legal guardian of the minor has filed written authorization for the correspondence between the inmate and the minor with the director of victim services in the department of corrections central office. (ii) If the minor is the inmate’s natural or adoptive child, the correspondence is authorized pursuant to paragraph (b)(10)(C), and the inmate has registered the child by providing the name, date of birth, and address of the natural or adoptive child to the director of victim services. (B) The director of victim services shall notify the warden of the facility where the inmate is incarcerated of any written authorization for correspondence with a minor who is not the natural or adoptive child of the inmate, as well as the registration information of the inmate’s natural or adoptive child.

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