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Special Visits

by Lisa Herman — last modified Apr 27, 2021 11:53 AM
NCF General Order 16-101, Attachment B, Effective 11-22-2019



Subject to IMPPs 10-113 and 11-101, and NCF G.O. 16-101, residents may receive one (1) special visit during the week. Regular weekend visits disqualify a resident for a special visit the following week.


Visiting hours for special visits shall be between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Unless circumstances dictate otherwise, requests for special visits shall be initiated by the resident via Form 9 to his Unit Team Counselor. Special visits may be arranged when:

a. Visitation on regular visiting days conflicts with the visitor's work schedule. Work schedules shall be verified through visitor's employer.
b. A visitor resides a distance of at least 150 miles (one-way) from NCF.
c. A resident has received less than two (2) visits during the previous three (3) months.
d. Other correctional/rehabilitation goals indicate a need for a special visit.

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